Saturday, March 6, 2010

List of Books printed during the Tudor era

Here's something I didn't know about Henry the VIII, he was a scholar, collected and had a number of libraries. His library at Whitehall had more than 1,650 books. It would have been interesting to see what titles he owned.

So this post, I will store some of the titles published during the Tudor era.

pre-Tudor but so close it almost counts
1455 Gutenberg Bible

Henry VII (1457-1509, reigned 1485-1509

1461 Der Edelstein
1473-74 Caxton’s translation of Raoul Le Fèvre’s Recuyell of the historyes of
1476 Histoire universelle, Jean Corbechon.
1481 Vincentius. The Mirrour of the World. Caxton, William, trans.
1485 St. Albans Chronicle
1486 Peregrinatio in terram sanctam illustrated by Erhard Reuwich
1486 the Book of Hawking, Hunting, Fishing and Blasing of Arms
from History timeline of books (need to find the url again)
The Earliest Work Printed in England to Contain Color Printing 1486
An unidentified printer, known as the "Schoolmaster Printer," issues the Book of Hawking, Hunting, and Heraldry from the town of St. Albans, England.
This work on hawking, hunting, and heraldry was the earliest book printed in England to include color printing. It is also the first English book on heraldry and sports and among the earliest, if not the earliest printed book written by a woman, whose name is variously given as Juliana Berners. Little is known about the authoress; some of the most basic information about her is given in the second edition of this work issued by Wynkyn de Worde from his press at Westminister in 1496. She is said to have been prioress of Sopwell nunnery near St Albans, and daughter of Sir James Berners, who was beheaded in 1388.
1492 Rosa Angelica by John of Gaddesden
1493 Nuremberg Chronicle by Hartmann Schedel
1494 Liber de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticus, Johannes Tritheim.
1499 Hypnerotomachia Poliphili

books no longer defined as incunables
1509 Directorium Sacerdotium

Henry VIII (1491-1547) reigned 1509-1547
1510 Compendenium Medicinae by Gilbert the Englishman
1515 Lyfe of St George by Alexander Barclay
1516 De Consinitate Grammatices by Robert Whittington
1519 Noctium Atticarum libri by Aulus Gellius
1519 De proprietatibus rerum, Bartholomeus Anglicus.
1525 Speke Parrot
1526-27 Design for More family group by Hans Holbein the Younger
1527 The Fall of Prynces by John Lydgate
1530 Le proprietaire des choses tres utille … avecques aulcunes addicions nouvellement adioustees …. Item est adiouste … une medicine tresutille: appellee la Medicine des chevaulx: et aultres bestes. Jean Corbechon.
1535 Ghostly Psalms and Spiritual Songs by Coverdale
1536 The Castel of Helth by Elyot
1536 Bartholomeus De Proprietatibus Rerum
1537 Bartholomeus De Proprietatibus Rerum. Londini in Aedibus Thomae Bertheleti Regii Impressoris. Cum Privilegio a Rege indulto.
1540 Psalter
1544 Biblia sacrosancta by Zurich
1545 The Image of Bothe Churches by John Bale
1545 Certayne Bokes

Edward VI (1537-1553) reigned 1547-1553
1548 Paraphrase upon the New Testamunt by Desiderius ERasmus
1548 John Bon and Mast Person by Luke Shepherd
1548 Commentarii de scriptoribus Britannicis, auctore Joanne Lelando Londinate, Leland, John,
1548-49 two-volume edition of Paraphrases of the New Testament by Erasmus
1551 Philargyrie by Robert Crowley
1552 Book of Common Prayer, 2nd ed
1553 Funerals of King Edward VI by William Baldwin

Lady Jane Grey was queen for only 9 days so am not counting her
Mary I (1516-1558) reigned 1553-1558
1554 History of Wyatt's Rebellion by John Proctor
1555 The Pastime of Pleasure by Stephen Hawes
1555 Valentyne and Orson by Henry Watson
1556 The Spider and the Flie by John Heywood
1556 Le Grand proprietaire de toutes choses tres utile et profitable pour tenir le corps humain en santé. Contenant plusieurs diverses maladies, et dont ilz procedent, et aussi les remedes preservatifz. Avec les proprietez du Ciel, de la Terre, des Bestes, des Oyseaulx des Pierres, et des Metaulx, et autre matiere … Additions nouvellement faictes. Les vertus et proprietez des Eaus artificielles, et des Herbes, etc. Jean Corbechon.
1557 Illustrium Majoris Brittaniae Scriptorum by John Bales

Elizabeth I (1533-1603) reigned 1558-1603
1560 Unauthorized Geneva Bible
1562 The Booke of the Use of Sicke Men and Medicens by William Bullein
1563 Eclogues, Epitaphes, and Sonettes by Barnabe Googe
1563 Book of Martyrs by John Foxe
1565 A replie unto M. Hardinges answeare by John Jewel
1565 The City of London
1568 Bishops' Bible
1569 The Christall Glasse by Stephen Batman
1574 Quinta essentia by Leonard Thurneisser zum Thurn
1575 Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Abraham Ortelius.
1579 The Shepheardes Calender by Edmund Spenser
1579 The Shepheardes Calender
1581 Pathwaie to martiall discipline by Thomas Styward
1582 Metamorphoseon by Ovid
1582 Hekatomphathia by Thomas Watson
1582 Batman uppon Bartholome.
1583 Actes and Monuments by John Foxe
1590 Faerie Queene
1591 The Countesse of Pembrokes Emanuel by Abraham Fraunce
1593 Venus and Adonis by Shakespeare
1597 The Most wonderfull and true storie by J.D.
1598 Greene in Conceipt by John Dickenson
1600 Fowre Bookes Of The Institution, Use And
1602 An answere to a Romish rime lately printed: wherein are contained Catholike questions to the Protestant by John Rhodes
1606 A defence of M. Perkins booke, called A reformed Catholike by Antony Wootton
1658 Eygentliche Beschreibung Aller Stande auff Erden by Hans Sachs
1683-84 Mechanick exercises on the whole art of printing by Joseph Moxon

Will find the dates on these later
Book of Homilies
Doctrine Of The Holy Sacrament Of The Eucharist In The Old Church by Philippe de Mornay
De regno Christi by Martin Bucer
Apologie by John Jewel
Confutation by Harding
Defence of the Apologie by John Jewel
the first complete translation of the English Bible, compiled by Miles Coverdale, was published in the same year as Berthelet’s Vulgate version. Although
Art of Rhetoric by Thomas Wilson
Art of English Poesy by George Puttenham

Treasurer Robert Langton
Thomas Cottesford
Alban Langdale
William Turner the great naturalist
John Thornborough
Lawrence Nowell

Book collectors/libraries
Chancellor William Melton owned at least 109 works including 31 were patristic texts, 22 Biblical texts and commentaries, 6 classics, 6 histories, and several humanist works by Valla, Pico, Erasmus, and More.(Tudor York, 1961)

'Tudor York: Cultural and social life', A History of the County of York: the City of York (1961), pp. 155-159. URL: Date accessed: 06 March 2010.

Tudor Books and Readers: Materiality and the Construction of Meaning by John N. King, ed., 2010

Bibliography of British History: Tudor Period, 1485-1603
by Conyers read, ed., Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1959

Catalogue Of Books Mostly From The Presses Of The First Printers Showing The Progress Of Printing With Movable Metal Type Through The Second Half Of The Fifteenth Century. Collected By Rush C. Hawkins . COLLECTED BY RUSH C. HAWKINS. by Alfred W. Pollard, 1999.

A short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland: And of English books printed abroad 1475-1640 , 1475-1640 by A. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave,


The Oxford Handbook of Tudor Literature by Mike Pincombe, Cathy Shrank, 2009.

The English library before 1700: studies in its history by F. Wormald, C.E. Wright, 1958.

Library Catalogues of the English Renaissance by Jayne Sears, 1956.

A Catalogue of the Library of Sir Edward Coke

Private Libraries in Renaissance England : A Collection and Catalogue of Tudor and Early Stuart Book-Lists/Plre 5-66 (Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, Vol. 105) by Robert J. Fehrenbach and E. S. Leedham-Green, 1993,

The domestic architecture of England during the Tudor period: illustrated in a series of photographs & measured drawings of country mansions, manor houses and smaller buildings with historical and descriptive text by Thomas Garner and Arthur Startton, 1911.

English Manuscript Studies Vol 11: Manuscripts and Their Makers in the English Renaissance (British Library - English Manuscript Studies 1100-1700) (v. 11) by Peter Beal and Grace Ioppolo, 2003.

An Index of Images in English Manuscripts from Chaucer to Henry VIII: US Libraries, New York City. Columbia Union-Union Theological (An Index of Images ... Manuscripts from Chaucer to Henry VIII) by M. Driver and M.T. Orr, 2007.

English Manuscript Studies Vol 9: Writings by Early Modern Women
(British Library - English Manuscript Studies 1100-1700) (v. 9) by A.S.G. Edwards, Peter Beal, and Margaret J.M. Ezell, 2003.

, 1984)

British Literary Manuscripts from the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C.: English Renaissance, c.1500-1700. Parts 1 and 2., 1986.

Managing Readers: Printed Marginalia in English Renaissance books by William W. E. Slights, 2001.

Used Books: Marking Readers in Renaissance England by William H. Sherman, 2009.

Humanism, reading, and English literature, 1430-1530 By Dr. Daniel Wakelin, 2007.

Incunables and early printed books. Bale, John,


"The Private Libraries of Tudor Doctors", Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 1978, XXXIII(2):167-184; doi:10.1093/jhmas/XXXIII.2.167.

"The Libraries of English Bishops, 1600-1640", The Library, 1992 s6-14(3):221-257.

"English Book Owners in the Seventeenth Century: A Work in Progress Listing", The Bibliographical Society of America. You can download it as a pdf file or view it in html.

"Incunable description and its implication for the analysis of 15th century reading habits", Paul Saenger and Michael Heinlein, Printing the written word : the social history of books, circa 1450-1520, Sandra Hindman, 1991, p. 253-258.

Blockbooks,Woodcut and Metalcut Single Sheets, Nigel F. Palmer. PDF file, 50 pages.

Websites/Blogs of interest

The Infancy of Printing: Incunabula at the Golda Meir Library. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Gutenberg's Legacy, Harry Ransom Center, Univesity of Texas-Austin.

Incunables, Rare Book & Manuscript Library Collections, Penn Libraries,

The Tudor Digital Library,

PDF of Niccolo Machiavelli, The Tudor Translations: Machiavelli, The Liberty Fund. This book was printed in 1905 but is a collection of "influential English translations of the writings of Machiavelli during the Tudor period". The first volume contains The Arte of Warre by Peter Whitethorne in 1560 and The Prince by Edward Dacres in 1640. The second volume is The Florentiine Historie by Thomas Bedingfeld ini 1595. The Liberty Fund is collecting books in the public domain on liberty and power.
The bulk are in text form but a few are in pdf form.

Gutenberg's legacy has is on the coming of age of the printing of books. Has some very nice images of various books of the period.

Auctions One of easiest ways to see at least a page or more of books printed/handcopied in 15th & 16th century is to look at auctions

Christie's auctions, go to advanced search, change the first menu button from "upcoming sales" to "past sales".  Under keyword, type in "incunable".  You can then view books up to the 15th century that have gone for sale -- Christie generally only gives one image per book -- and the price it auctioned for.

Sotheby's auctions, the search sold lot archive, under keyword, type in "incunable".  You can then view books up to the 15th century that have gone for sale -- Sotheby's generally only gives one image per book if that -- and the price it auctioned for.

Ebay auctions, books printed pre-1700.  Many of the sellers have more than one image posted. Sometimes the condition is not the greatest but most sellers try to describe them exactly.  Some sellers don't know how to date things exactly. Also some people are selling just one page and not the whole book. Always check the shipping price as it can sometimes be quite hefty.  Still sometimes people get incredibly lucky.  The Wahres Christentum sold for less than $90 recently and it was chock full of woodblock prints.

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