Friday, March 5, 2010

My introduction to Second Life

Okay, I should have started this sooner but I am entering a Second Life existence due to a class I am taking with Jeremy Kemp and Lori Bell in the graduate Library Science department of San Jose State University.

Now the quickie update is a year ago I did a one week module in a tech course in the same program which introduced me to Second Life (SL). I thought it was interesting and so signed up for this course. I was a super newbie in a class where most of the people have had a SL life for a while. I had forgotten what little I learned a year ago so I've had to learn to walk (and fly)--really, at first I kept bumping into everything. The first couple of weeks I walked around with a sword and a cape because I couldn't figure out how to take them off. I was extremely frustrated and hated every minute and wondered what I had gotten myself into.

Well, it's a month and a half later and I am starting a service project with Renaissance Island. I thought of starting this blog because it seemed like a good place to keep my initial notes and also to begin to chronicle my SL life (I have discovered free clothes, gorgeous hair, butterfly wings and building stuff so what's not to love about a place where you can be flying around in a tiara and gown one minute and then stomping around in a cape and sword the next with complete change of face and body -- it is a world where being a shiftshaper is a given and you can fly and walk under water - in a word it is amazing).

Okay back to Ren Island -- it is a Tudor era recreation. They do a lot of things including plays. I am working on a library project for Korrigan Keynes and Diamond Coronet. Since I know nothing about books in the Tudor era, I thought I would start my research there so that when I created something it would fit the period. So a lot of these initial post will be about that.

With a caveat that I am also building a room on women surrealists as my class project so there will be other posts on that.

And posts on finding free stuff in SL and whatever I think of related to SL. I'll try to be good at putting keywords in so that it is easy to find stuff.

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